Farro busied himself with the usual food preparations for the crew, recently augmented by the presence of Chief Mate Ael...no, Captain Aelindar's friends. Having crewed with him before the Highwind, sometimes it was easy for the cook to forget the boy was as competent as he seemed. Even now, occasionally it was difficult to remember the air of affable indolence was an affectation which usually served the young noble well. For a certainty, the ship's pantry was better stocked that any he'd been in, and his own coffers were fuller than he could remember as well. Clearly entering Lord Aelindar's service had been the correct choice.
As he mixed ingredients by hand in a large bowl, the Thantopolitan heard footsteps making their way towards the galley.
As he mixed ingredients by hand in a large bowl, the Thantopolitan heard footsteps making their way towards the galley.